Visa Mishap by Austrian Embassy, Prints Wife’s Visa on Husband’s Passport and Vice Versa


Austrian Embassy Mix-Up Causes Travel Chaos for Family

In an unbelievable blunder, the Austrian Embassy printed a wife’s visa on her husband’s passport and vice versa, just days before a group trip to Europe.

On an online community forum a person with username ZappyRed shared his story about the incident.

The error threw the family into a frenzy, as the couple was part of a 26-member group traveling from July 20 to 31, 2024, to Austria, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, and France.

Discovered on July 17, the mistake led to a whirlwind journey. ZappyRed rushed to Hyderabad and then flew to Delhi, battling bureaucratic hurdles and a global Microsoft system update that paralyzed airports.

Despite delays and high ticket prices, a stroke of luck with a helpful traveler ensured the corrected passports arrived just in time for the trip.

This incident highlights the havoc a simple administrative error can cause.

Read the original post [here]