Samsung has done it – 965km on a 9-Minute Charge!


Samsung has taken the electric vehicle (EV) world by storm with its groundbreaking new battery technology. Unveiled at the SNE Battery Day 2024 expo in Seoul, South Korea, this battery promises an astounding 600-mile (966 km) range with just a 9-minute charge! Yes, you read that right – a mere 9 minutes for a range that puts current EV batteries to shame.

A New Era in EV Technology

Samsung’s latest marvel isn’t just about speed. This solid-state battery, which has already begun pilot production, boasts a lifespan of 20 years, setting new benchmarks in durability and efficiency. With the pilot line established in 2023, Samsung aims to mass-produce these all-solid-state batteries by 2027, transforming the future of electric transportation.

The Tech Behind the Sensation

The new battery is lighter, smaller, and significantly safer than the conventional lithium-ion batteries that dominate today’s EV market. By replacing liquid components with solid ones, Samsung’s battery not only enhances safety but also reduces weight and space requirements – a critical improvement for EV design and efficiency.

High-End Exclusivity

Initially, these cutting-edge batteries will cater to the super-premium segment of the EV market. Samsung’s high-nickel NCS products are also set to hit the high-end segment, offering superior performance for luxury EVs. With an energy density of 500Wh/kg – a staggering leap from the current average of 270Wh/kg – Samsung is pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in EV technology.

Unanswered Questions and Future Prospects

While the specifics of the 9-minute charge remain under wraps, it’s speculated to refer to a rapid charge from 20% to 80%. If true, the battery’s actual range could exceed the promised 600 miles, making long-distance EV travel more practical than ever before. Samsung is also working on more affordable options, including lithium iron phosphate (LFP) and cobalt-free batteries, ensuring a wide range of solutions for different market segments.

Positive Feedback and Industry Impact

Since late 2023, this innovative battery has been in the hands of EV manufacturers for testing, and the feedback has been overwhelmingly positive. The implications for the EV industry are immense, as Samsung’s technology could significantly reduce charging times and extend driving ranges, addressing two major pain points for electric vehicle owners.

Samsung’s revelation is not just a step forward – it’s a giant leap that promises to reshape the landscape of electric mobility. With a vision for mass production by 2027, the future of driving could be arriving much sooner than we ever imagined.