Download IBO-03 (India’s Foreign Trade) Books In Single PDF. IBO-02 is a subject of Masters in Commerce 1st Year at IGNOU (Indira Gandhi National Open University). If you haven’t received your books via POST or in you STUDY CENTRE then it is difficult to find the material to study for your course. In some cases it takes very long time to get your study material. Many students receive their books just before exams. We are here providing you full IBO-03 study material in single PDF file so that you can start your study on time. The study material provided on this page is in English medium. If you want in Hindi medium write in below comment section.
PDF File Contains Following Blocks of IBO-03
- Block- 1 Foreign Trade: An Overview
- Unit-1 India’s Balance of Payments
- Unit-2 India’s Foreign Trade
- Unit-3 India and World Trade
- Block- 2 Institutional Framework Policies
- Unit-4 Trade Policy
- Unit-5 Export Promotion in India
- Unit-6 Industrial and Investment Policy
- Block- 3 Trade Prospects of Select Product-I
- Unit-7 Gems and Jewellery and Handicrafts
- Unit-8 Textiles and Garments
- Unit-9 Agricultural Products
- Unit-10 Leather Products
- Block- 4 Trade Prospects with Select Product-II
- Unit-11 Chemical Goods
- Unit-12 Engineering Goods
- Unit-13 Electronics Commodities
- Unit-14 Services
- Block- 5 Trade Prospects of Select Markets
- Unit-15 European Union and CIS Countries
- Unit-16 United States of America
- Unit-17 West Asia
- Unit-18 Media and Governance
If you want any other study material kindly comment below section i will try my best to provide all the material you need.
Hello Sir, the pdf format of study material provided by you is very helpful as the quality of digital study material provided by egyankosh is not good. I am Mcom first year student. Would like to get IBO 1, IBO 4, IBO 5 AND IBO 6