IGNOU MCOM Date Sheet of June 2021 TEE | August 2021 Exams


Below is the June 2021 Term End Exam Date Sheet (August-September 2021 Exams) For IGNOU MCOM students. The date sheet is sorted by date wise so you don’t have to sort it. As you should already know that date sheet is same for both English and Hindi Medium so don’t search for Hindi Medium Date Sheet ЁЯЩВ

Please Note: Here morning session refers to 10am to 1pm and evening session refers to 2pm to 5pm.

This Date Sheet may change, so you are advised to only use this date sheet as a pre-exam information and refer your Hall Ticket for final exam dates. Hall tickets are usually released 7-10 days before the exams.

IGNOU MCOM 1st Year Date Sheet

CodeCourse NameDateSession
IBO-04Export Import Procedures and Documentation10-Aug-2021 (Tue)Morning
IBO-06International Business Finance17-Aug-2021 (Tue)Morning
IBO-01International Business Environment24-Aug-2021 (Tue)Morning
IBO-05International Marketing Logistics26-Aug-2021 (Thu)Morning
IBO-02International Marketing Management03-Sep-2021 (Fri)Morning
IBO-03India’s Foreign Trade08-Sep-2021 (Wed)Morning

IGNOU MCOM 2nd Year Date Sheet

CodeCourse NameDateSession
MCO-03Research Methodology and Statistical Analysis04-Aug-2021 (Wed)Morning
MCO-01Organisation Theory and Behaviour12-Aug-2021 (Thu)Morning
MCO-04Business Environment18-Aug-2021 (Wed)Morning
MCO-05Accounting for Managerial Decisions20-Aug-2021 (Fri)Morning
MCO-06Marketing Management23-Aug-2021 (Mon)Morning
MCO-07Financial Management25-Aug-2021 (Wed)Morning

Important Notes

  1. Tentative date sheet pertaining to June, 2021 Term-end Examination of the University is uploaded on the University website.
  2. It is requested to please check the date and session of the course(s) for which you want to appear in June, 2021 examinations.
  3. Exam duration will be mentioned on the question paper.

Don’t forget to share this Date Sheet with your fellow students ЁЯЩВ

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Both English and Hindi Medium Available

Both English and Hindi Medium Available