From this page you can easily calculate your percentage and total marks obtained in BA Program. This percentage calculator allows you to get detailed analysis of your marks. You just have to enter your enrollment number and program.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
This is IGNOU Percentage Calculator. You just need to enter your enrolment number & program and it will calculate your marks for you according to assignment and theory exam weightage.
Your marks are taken from the Grade Card given on the official IGNOU website.
Calculation used in this percentage calculator is almost accurate. We always keep updating the algorithm used for calculation to improve it but there could be some error/mistake in the calculation which you can report to us via email at .
You can send us an email at with a screenshot and we will do our best to fix it if there is any error in the calculation.
The programs supported you see are thanks to the students who shared their enrolment number with us for testing. We try our best to provide support for every program but we don’t have enrolment numbers for every program to test our calculator.
You can help us adding support for your program by sharing your enrolment number with us via email
There could be two reasons:
1. Your result was declared recently and your new marks have not been updated in the Grade Card from which our calculator take marks for calculation.
2. Your new marks obtained are less than your previous marks that’s why it is not updated in the Grade Card.
This percentage calculator is for information purpose only you should not use for any official/legal purpose.
If the result for your final semester/year has been declared and you have obtained passing marks in all the subjects then you should receive official IGNOU Marksheet within 30 days via Speed Post on your address.
If it’s past 30 days and you still haven’t received your Marksheet then you should contact/visit your Regional Centre.